Fire of Ambition candle

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Step into your power with Fire of Ambition, a candle that transforms intention into action. Each time you light this blend of ancient, purifying scents, you clear the path ahead and ignite your inner drive. Birch Oil sweeps away negativity, Cedarwood grounds your energy, and Nagarmotha revitalizes your spirit. As the warm glow fills the room, Olibanum invites serenity, Nutmeg energizes, and Black Pepper sharpens your focus. Let this candle become a ritual that fuels your passions with unwavering determination, guiding you toward your goals with every flicker of its flame.

Fire of Ambition candle
79.00 BGN

Fire element

Ayurveda reminds us that everything in life is nature – and everything in nature is made up of five elements: earth, fire, water, air and space (also known as ether). Since us humans are part of nature too, our bodies are also made up of these elements – in three different blends, which Ayurveda calls Doshas.

In Ayurveda, fire ("Agni" in Sanskrit) represents one of the five fundamental elements (Pancha Mahabhutas) that shape the universe and life itself. It is the transformative force that governs metabolism, digestion, perception, and even emotional intelligence. Fire is a dynamic and essential element, driving both physical and mental processes in the body.

Fire and your body

In Ayurvedic physiology, fire manifests primarily as "Agni," the digestive fire responsible for processing food, emotions, and experiences. Proper Agni ensures health, vitality, and longevity, while weakened Agni can lead to imbalances and disease.

Signs of balanced fire

Strong digestion and healthy appetite

Strong digestion and healthy appetite

Sharp intellect and focused mind

Sharp intellect and focused mind

Radiant complexion and clear eyes

Radiant complexion and clear eyes

Emotional stability and courage

Emotional stability and courage

Nurturing the Fire element

To maintain balance, Ayurveda recommends practices that regulate and enhance the fire element


Eat warm, well-spiced, and easily digestible foods like ginger, cumin, and turmeric.


Follow a regular eating schedule, practice mindful eating, and avoid overeating.


Practice Pranayama techniques such as Bhastrika (Bellows Breath) to ignite inner fire.


Meditate and engage in reflective practices to cultivate mental clarity and emotional stability.

Nature connection

Spend time in sunlight to absorb fire's energy from nature.

Nature connection