Air element
Ayurveda reminds us that everything in life is nature – and everything in nature is made up of five elements: earth, fire, water, air and space (also known as ether). Since us humans are part of nature too, our bodies are also made up of these elements – in three different blends, which Ayurveda calls Doshas.
In Ayurveda, the ancient science of holistic healing, the Air element (Vayu) holds a central place in understanding the body's balance and overall health. It is one of the five great elements (Pancha Mahabhutas), along with Earth, Water, Fire, and Ether. Together, these elements form the foundation of the universe and influence every aspect of our physical, mental, and spiritual existence.
Air and your body
In Ayurvedic theory, the Air element is most prominently associated with the Vata dosha, which combines Air and Ether. Vata governs motion, creativity, communication, and the nervous system. When Vata is balanced, it promotes vitality, flexibility, and mental clarity. However, an excess of Air can cause restlessness, anxiety, dryness, and various imbalances related to the mind and body.
Signs of balanced air
Nurturing the Air element
To harmonize the Air element, Ayurveda recommends grounding and stabilizing practices